
Lyon St Exupery is 119 km, approximately 1 hour 15 minutes drive.

Geneva International Airport is 185km, approximately 2 hours 15 minutes drive.


Le Havre is 622 km, approximately 5 hours 30 minutes drive.

Calais is 724 km, approximately 6.5 hours drive.

Marseilles is 408 km, approximately 3 hours 55 minute.


Mâcon Loché for the TGV to / from Paris etc  is 33km, approximately 30 minutes drive. (Car hire available at Macon Loche).

Macon Ville railway station is 34 km, approximately 37 minutes drive.

Le Crusot is 81km, approximately 1 hour 7 minutes drive.


Tournous is 72 km, approximately 52 minutes.

Beaune is 121 km, approximately 1 hour 18 minutes.

Challon-sur-Soane is 94.3 km, approximately 1 hour 6 minutes.

Paris is 431 km, approximately 3 hours 55 minutes.

Dijon is 160 km, approximately 1 hour 38 minutes.

Lyon is 99 km, approximately 1 hour 8 minutes.

Macon is 33.6 km, approximately 40 minutes.